Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pardon Our Dust While We Remodel And We Have An Udate On Our Last Post

We are making changes to the blog adding advertising banners and fixing the comments so there will be no problems with comments going through,bare with us. We also have a correction on our last post about our Green Ambassador Paris. Paris never said anything about elephants, but she still will retain her Permanent Royal Green
Platinum Ambassador status which is the highest Green award we have and she is the sole recipient of this title.


Unknown said...

IamNotParis but after our chatfest last week, you know, about Vermont and all, do you think I can get a title, too?

Anonymous said...

Hi aunt Nancy how is uncle Jimmy? Yes the skiing is great in Vermont.I will talk to my brother maybe he can send you your title for your range rover.
You should be more careful with that paperwork.And tell uncle Jimmy to stop smoking.

Unknown said...

Always the thoughful one. Will tell uncle Jimmy. He's a hard one to pin down but I'll keep trying.